New Bike

Jamis Commuter 3.0 2007A few weeks ago I bought a new bike — a Jamis Commuter 3.0. Mine is black, the 2008 model, but Harris Cyclery was good enough to put on the 2007 bars, which are more of the moustache variety, and a shorter stem. I also put on a lighter, narrower seat, a Delta rack, toe clips, and Cateye LED lights. It’s been great fun to ride.

I had a look at the manual that comes with all Jamis bikes. It advises, “Ride in designated bike lanes, on designated bike paths or as close to the edge of the road as possible, in the direction of traffic flow or as directed by local governing laws.” The first part of the sentence is exceedingly poor advice, and does not match any traffic laws in the U.S. that I know of.

It continues: “Stop at stop signs and traffic lights; slow down and look both ways at street intersections.” Stop even if the light is green? Slow down and look even if you have the right of way?

And more: “Remember that a bicycle always loses in a collision with a motor vehicle, so be prepared to yield even if you have the right of way.”

Do their lawyers make them say this stuff? Or if I send them a nice letter will they change it to reflect the law and, better yet, good riding practice.


  1. Paul – I’m on the verge of giving up my Bianchi Milano for a new Jamis Commuter. How do you like it? Good for an 8 mile each way commute? Stephanie

  2. Stephanie,
    I’ve been enjoying it a lot. Alas, I must have mis-threaded a pedal, and stripped the threads on a crank. So now it is in the shop.
    My commute is about 6 mi, and I have found it sufficiently fast. Although I also have enjoyed riding a road bike recently, especially in warmer weather. I don’t know that the Commuter would be that different from the Milano, though.

  3. Hello Paul. Many years ago you stopped and gave me your card when you worked for the city of Boston. Good to see you’re still involved with bikes.

    Stephanie, the Milano comes with bigger, slower tires than the Jamis, which you’ll notice right out of the gate. The Jamis 3.0 is at the top of my wish list, but I think it’ll have to stay there for a while. oh well. -Tony R.

  4. Paul,

    Love the website. It is great to find such a reasonable voice on the subject of urban bicycling.

    You may remember that we biked together quite a bit back in the early 90’s.

    I have been biking to work this spring in NYC on my 2005 Jamis and just love it. I have had a bit of a hiatus since I was last biking regularly. I’ve probably averaged 5 times a year in the last 10 years. But New York has been transformed in just the last two years, with many more miles of bike lanes than I ever remembered. Still you taught me well, and I am not shy about taking a section of roadway if there are parked cars alongside the bike path. So far so good.

    Best to you, Annie

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